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Every Wednesday in May & June

Everyone is invited! These are fun low-key grassroots races open to the public. The course changes every week, but is typically a 1-mile lap and most races are 4-5 laps, or about 25 minutes. The races are broken into several categories to choose from. Register at the venue on race day.


4:30 pm – Pre-J age 6-9 (10 min, non-competitive event, must be age 6 or older)

4:50 – Juniors age 10-14 (15 min)

5:15 – Men’s C (20 min)

5:45 – Men’s B (25 min)

6:20 – Women’s A, Women’s B, Women’s C (25 min)

6:55 – Men’s A (25 min)

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